Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Official 2013 Resolutions

Hi, everyone! How has the first week of the new year been for you guys?

After much deliberation and procrastination, I finalized my 2013 resolutions. Seeing that the world did not end last December, I decided to make this list as comprehensive as possible.

1. To keep my bedroom neat - My parents decided replace all of our old furniture pieces, including my old bookshelves and amoire. Now, all of my things are just piled up in a corner of my room. I was planning to clean everything up over the holiday break, but, sadly, indolence was my master. So, I vow to clean up my room and keep it neat (my room seems to have a nasty habit of becoming messy one week after I clean up).

2. To not procrastinate - If there's one thing certain, it is that I am a professional procrastinator. I always find myself cramming my homework and papers late at night, even on weekends. I even procrastinate leisure or recreational activities (like blogging). But this year, all that will change!

3. To pray more often - I come from a Catholic family, though they're all, with the exception of my mother, non-practicing Catholics, and graduated from a Catholic high school but I never picked up the habit of praying regularly. This year, I'll try to pray every evening before I go to sleep. 

4. To sleep earlier - This will solve my "waking-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed" problems, which has been a problem since high school. 

5. To maintain a healthy diet - The recent holidays seemed to be especially laden with food, thanks to the numerous cakes given to my family last Christmas, the trip to Bangkok with my brother, and the big family New Year's party. Also, I spent most of last year eating unhealthy university cafeteria food. This year, I'll eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less sweets (I have a big sweet tooth) and deep-fried food, drink less sweet drinks, and control the amount of meat that I consume. But, of course, the occasional gastronomic indulgence wouldn't hurt. However, I have a feeling that Tumblr will make this a very difficult resolution to keep.

6. To regularly update my  planner - Every year, I buy a planner but eventually stop using it. As a result, I experienced a lot schedule conflicts. This year, I plan to update my planner regularly. Maybe that will help me keep resolutions 2 and 3. 

7. To read 50 books in 2013 - One of my literature teachers in high school has a project wherein she reads fifty books every year. She documents her progress on her Tumblr (fightingforjune). I tried to do this last year but only made it to thirty-two. This year, I hope to make it to fifty. I already finished one book and am currently in the middle of my second one. 

These are resolutions for 2013. I wasn't very successful in keeping some of them last week. But hey, I have time, right?

Until always,


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